Advice on how to
write references to literature cited in a term paper or article.
Remember: Your term paper is due 10 May, and the written examination comes on 27 May
Spring 2010
Documents for
SOS3003 Applied statistical data analysis for the social sciences
Class starting Monday 8 February 08:15 in seminar room D6
Lecture notes:
NB Alternativt til det som følgjer finst:
Forelesingsnotat fra hausten 2004 på norsk
Litt om språk og symbolbruk i SOS3003 (in Norwegian)
Summary table for symbols used in SOS3003
On writing term paper for SOS3003
Lecture notes in English:
8 February
Lecture notes 01/2010
15+22 February
Lecture notes 02+03/2010
1 March
Lecture notes 04/2010
8 March
Lecture notes 05/2010
15 March
Lecture notes 06/2010
22 March
Lecture notes 07/2010
12 April
Lecture notes 08/2010
19 April
Lecture notes 09/2010
Lecture notes 09a/2010 On sample size in logistic regression
Lecture notes 09b/2010 Some advice on model building
26 April
Lecture notes 10/2010
3 May
Lecture notes 11/2010
10 May
SOS3003 Collected lecture notes 2010 (1.5MB)
8 + 15 March
Fall 2004 Examination Questions (and Tables) Discussing the solution of question 1 & 2
22 March
Answers and solutions to Fall 2004 Examination Questions
12 April
Spring 2004 Examination Questions (and Tables)
Discussing the solution of question 2:
Notes on answering Q2 from spring 2004
19 + 26 April + 3 May
Fall 2009 Examination Questions (and Tables)
19 April: Discussing the solution of question 2/ fall 2009
26 April: Discussing the solution of question 3/ fall 2009
3+10 May: Discussing the solution of question 1/ fall 2009
10 May: Discussing the solution of question 1/ spring 2004
Remember: Your term paper is due 10 May, and the written examination comes on 27 May