SFEL2000/ GEOG1002 "Two lectures on theories of resource management"
Lectures Monday 30 August 10:15-1200 and 1 September 1415-1600 in Lecture hall D6, Dragvoll
SFEL2000/ GEOG 1002 Lecture notes fall 2004/ Forelesingsnotat haust 2004

Berge, Erling 2001 ?Almenningens tragedie ? frå metafor til teori. Ein litteraturoversikt? Sosiologisk Årbok 2001, Oslo, Universitetet i Oslo

Berge, Erling and Amy R Poteete 2003 ?Management of non-arable rural land, including forests, grasslands and shrub-lands?, a long version of a paper published in "Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems?, EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd., Oxford, 2002

Hardin, Garrett 1968 "The Tragedy of the commons", Science 162(3859):1243-1248